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Cheatsheet for Docusaurus Docs


Custom ID headers

Headers in md(x) files can have custom IDs using the following syntax:

## Custom ID headers {#custom-id}

With `{#custom-id}` syntax you can set your own header ID.

This can be helpful for a variety of reasons: header contains an external link, code snippet, etc.

Partials as components and ignoring files and folders

All files prefixed with an underscore (_) under the docs directory are treated as "partial" pages and will be ignored by default. The page on importing partial pages has the full details, but the gist is that md(x) files can be used as components and be imported in other Markdown files or in React pages. As noted above, using the _ filename prefix will result in no doc page being created for the prefixed file; instead, the prefixed file becomes a "partial", something to be imported by other files. This allows you to reuse content among multiple pages and avoid duplicating materials. A simple example appears below.

<span>Hello {}</span>

This is text some content from `_markdown-partial-example.mdx`.
import PartialExample from './_markdown-partial-example.mdx';

<PartialExample name="Sebastien" />;

Front matter

See the API documentation for all possible fields.

Doc tags

Doc tags can be added to documentation pages via the front matter for those pages. For example,

id: doc-with-tags
title: A doc with tags
- Demo
- Getting started

or tags: [Demo, Getting started] are both valid ways of adding Demo and Getting started as doc tags to the someDocFile.mdx file. See Yaml array syntaxes for more valid ways.

Doc IDs

Every document has a unique id. By default, a document id is the name of the document (without the extension) relative to the root docs directory. For example, the ID of is greeting, and the ID of guide/ is guide/hello.

website # Root directory of your site
└── docs
└── guide

However, the last part of the id can be defined by the user in the front matter. For example, if guide/'s content is defined as below, its final id is guide/part1.

id: part1

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The ID is used to refer to a document when hand-writing sidebars, or when using docs-related layout components or hooks.

Doc URLs and slug

By default, a document's URL location is its file path relative to the docs folder. Use the slug front matter to change a document's URL. For example, suppose your site structure looks like this:

website # Root directory of your site
└── docs
└── guide

By default, will be available at /docs/guide/hello. You can change its URL location to /docs/bonjour:

slug: /bonjour

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slug will be appended to the doc plugin's routeBasePath, which is /docs by default. See Docs-only mode for how to remove the /docs part from the URL.

Note that it is possible to use:

  • absolute slugs: slug: /mySlug, slug: /...
  • relative slugs: slug: mySlug, slug: ./../mySlug...

If you want a document to be available at the root, and have a path like, you can use the slug front matter:

id: my-home-doc
slug: /

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